Shaping the future
of women's health


Hysterosalpingo Foam Sonography (HyFoSy), is an attractive alternative for tubal patency assessment and diagnosis 

in subfertile women or women with known or suspected infertility. 1,2

Easy to perform and interpret in the gynecological office. It is also well tolerated by patients.
Dr. Ana Belén Garrido
Hospital Universitario de Torrejón Torrejón de Ardoz, Spain
I performed almost 300 HyFoSy procedures. It is easy to perform and well tolerated.
Dr. M.Inmaculada Mateos
Hospital de Galdakao-Usansolo Galdakao (Bizkaia), Spain
I have an excellent experience with ExEm Foam and I’m very satisfied with the product.
Dr. Laura Parziale
Hôpital du Jura 2800 Dolémont, Switzerland

Tubal patency assessment procedures timeline


Laparoscopy: Jacobaeus (1910), Palmer (1947).


First HSG is performed (Carey).


Emergence of ultrasound based techniques with saline infusion sonography (SIS) (Corfman and Taylor).


Introduction of Hysterosalpingo Contrast Sonography (HyCoSy) (Deichert), a patient friendly ultrasound technique. However, the common contrast medium Echovist® (Schering AG, Berlin, Germany) was taken out of market and replaced by saline and air. Saline and air which accuracy is not comparable to HSG, is now the mostly used alternative.6


Introduction of Hysterosalpingo Foam Sonography (HyFoSy) (Exalto and Emanuel), an in-office procedure for tubal patency testing in women with known or suspected infertility or subfertility. ExEm® Foam is the medium used in HyFoSy.


HyFoSy proven accuracy and minimum invasiveness. Studies suggested that, with proper imaging technique, HyFoSy with ExEm® Foam does not significantly differ from laparoscopy with dye and has the ability to achieve significantly higher accuracy than 2D saline and air7.


HyFoSy, the future of tubal patency assessment.
The foam study, a large randomized control study found that HyFoSy leads to similar pregnancy outcomes, compared with HSG as first-choice patency test. Then it also found that HyFoSy is experienced as significantly less painful than HSG.5


HyFoSy proven accuracy and minimum invasiveness. Studies suggested that, with proper imaging technique, HyFoSy with ExEm® Foam does not significantly differ from laparoscopy with dye and has the ability to achieve significantly higher accuracy than 2D saline and air 7 .


USA only





* Exem catheter is also know as GIS catheter.


READ THE PRESS RELEASE: IQ Medical Ventures and Richter announce the sale and purchase of Giskit MD B.V. 

We serve Sie Ihren Platz für eine gratis Schulung über Hysterosalpingo-Schaumsonographie-Verfahren (HyFoSy) und 3D-Beckenultraschall in Frankfurt am Main!

We are glad to wrap up the day after a successful #HyFoSy procedure and 3D ultrasound.



About us

At ExEm® Women’s Health, we envision a better, simpler, and less invasive fertility journey for every woman. Driven by innovation and drawing on extensive expertise and experience, we identify and develop women’s health products that better meet the needs of today’s women and healthcare professionals of the world.


ESHRE 2023

Dates: 25- 28 June 2023

Copenhagen, Denmark

HyFoSy & 3D ultrasound Training – the Netherlands

June 2, 2023

Hoevelaken, The Netherlands

HyFoSy & 3D ultrasound Training – Germany

April 19, 2023

Frankfurt, Germany

1. Ludwin I., Ludwin, A. et al. Accuracy of hysterosalpingo-foam sonography in comparison to hysterosalpingo-contrast sonography with air/saline and to laparoscopy with dye. Human Reproduction 2017, 32(4):758–69.
2. Riganelli L., Casorelli A. et al. Ultrasonography reappraisal of tubal patency in assisted reproduction technology patients: comparison between 2D and3D-sonohysterosalpingography. A pilot study. Minerva Ginecologica 2018, 70(2):123-28.
3. Reis MM, Soares SR, Cancado ML, Camargos AF. Hysterosalpingo contrast sonography (HyCoSy) with SH U 454 (Echovist) for the assessment of tubal patency. Hum Reprod. 1998;13(11):3049 –52.
4. Nienke van Welie, Joukje van Rijswijk, Kim Dreyer, et al. Can hysterosalpingo-foam sonography replace hysterosalpingography as first-choice tubal patency test? A randomized non-inferiority trial, Human Reproduction, 2022; deac034,